
by Beth Haley

I didn’t worry about diet until…

This may sound strange, but when I started out on my pilgrimage in health, diet was not even on my radar.

The rule growing up was to eat when you were hungry and stop when you were full. Everything was made from scratch, low sugar, low salt, low fat. I’ve never, and still don’t own, a scale. I’ve never cared what my weight was. I only cared that my clothes fit comfortably. I exercised, as a way of life. This way of living made health easy.

However, I don’t live in this world anymore. I don’t have time to make everything from scratch. I enjoy salt. I sit for 6-16 hours a day transporting patients across 7 states. And, by the time I make it home I’m completely drained. I grab whatever is easy to eat or don’t eat at all. I don’t feel like doing anything.

The wake-up call for me was realizing that if I fell into a hole I wouldn’t even have the energy to crawl back out. Scary. So this year, for the first time, I started looking at diet and energy. I started taking baby steps toward better habits.

The way I’ve started getting back into exercise was to blame the dog: Peanut sleeps all day, I really need to get her out walking every day. That is how daily walking began for us. (Hey, do whatever works!)

The Milestone

On July 15th, I start a year-long course in Integrative Nutrition from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition led by Joshua Rosenthal.

I’m excited to see where this will lead, and I thank you for being a part of my journey!

I encourage you… start wherever you are at. Just start taking those baby steps toward health.

If I can do it, so can you!

Post-It Notes 2

Post-It Notes 3


Photo Credit: Free-Photos@Pixabay


  1. Jill R Owens

    You are so welcome and congratulations on your new journey! Thanks to you I am making today the first day of my new journey to getting myself back on track to a healthier and happier life.

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