Survival by Zip Code

In July 1995, one of the deadliest heat waves in US history was recorded in Chicago. Over 700 people died. And yet… how many people have even heard of this?

Thank you Rethinking Life for sharing this!


Full Movie showing until March 4th

PBS – free



Cover photo by Jonathan Kho


  1. hitandrun1964

    Thank you for reblogging this. I am so happy that you did. I don’t know why I couldn’t get the picture you did on my blog but I couldn’t. Here’s the thing. I live here but we DID NOT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON. We knew people were dying from the heat but I never saw refrigerator trucks, mass graves. The media blacked it out. We did not see what was happening on this scale. This is the first I’ve known about it. And the HORRIBLE comments by white people made me sick. Daley and all the rest of them. Horrifying. Thank you again.


    1. Pilgrimage Studio

      I finally found where my missing comments went. Sorry for the wait. I just found almost 80 comments that I didn’t realize I’d missed.

      It’s an awful feeling to realize that all of this was happening, and I didn’t realize it. And as you wrote, I don’t think I would have known the magnitude listening to tv news. It makes me wonder what else is going on that just isn’t truly shown. Would it be shown if it happened elsewhere? And shocking too that there could be any negative comments on the situation… thank you for sharing this and I was happy to pass it on! 👍👍👍


  2. KT Workman

    I don’t recall hearing about it. But I was much younger then, and not as interested in the news as I am now…sometimes I wish I wasn’t. 😕


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