Ten Things That Make Me Happy Tag

I want to thank Mr. Holliman from A Happy Life for tagging me in this happy tag. I am thankful and honored. If you have a few minutes, check out his blog for great recipes and inspiration.

There are a lot of things that will make you happy.

Photo by Hybrid

Ten things that make me happy tag rules:

1. List 10 things that make you happy. (Linking to them, sharing pictures, writing poems about them, telling jokes, etc. are all encouraged but not required.)

2. Tag some people who make you happy (and notify them of their tag).

10 things that make me happy:

1. A healthy diet

Food is our first, most basic medicine. It just feels good to eat good food!

Photo by Anna Pelzer

2. Good Rest

Adequate sleep is good for your immune system.

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson

3. Vitamin-C

Since I started taking vitamin c regularly, I have been 10-years free of chronic tonsillitis and sore throats.

Photo by Freestocks

4. Reiki

A Japanese stress-relieving therapy that aids the body’s natural healing abilities and helps with mood regulation.

Photo by Ravi Roshan

5. Meditation

It’s the variety! There are probably as many ways to meditate as there are people!

Photo by Tim Goedhart

6. Reading

Reading is a great therapy. It is stepping away into a different space … an emptying of sorts. Then, anchoring and filling the mind with a new focus for a time. Hey, it sounds a bit like meditation!

Photo by Aaron Burden

7. Mantras

What do you think about while chanting mantras? The words you are saying and the intention behind them I hope! It is having a focused mind with a specific intent – while speaking in the language of energy. Hmmm, sounds meditative. And effective!

Photo by Zoltan Tasi

8. Transporting Disabled Veterans

It feels like such a small thing at times, but it’s pretty big for those who can’t get to the doctor on their own. In its own way, it touches lives – and not just theirs. It brings some wild stories and wild rides – with a huge assortment of unforgettable memories, names and faces.

Photo by Zhen Hu

9. Blogging

My feelings on blogging have been very diverse. They have ranged from:

  • How do people do this every day?
  • It seemed like a good idea at the time.
  • Do I have to?
  • I just made 50 straight days of posting, how about that!
  • I think I like this!
  • Just keep posting, just keep posting, swimming, swimming… (oh that’s Dory) posting!
  • This has become a “thing”
  • Who would I be if I didn’t blog?

It will be my one-year anniversary blogging in April and it’s been quite a journey … it has been its own Pilgrimage.

Photo by Launchpresso

10. Tribe

It’s a different way of being and thinking for some. It’s about so many things done in the spirit of togetherness… it’s never an option to step away for too long. Separateness is only by circumstance, and togetherness is always the goal.

Photo by Hannah Busing

For those who’d like to participate – the people for this tag are:

1. PurpleRays – https://purplerays.wordpress.com

2. The Mysterious Blogger – http://getthemysteriousblogger.com

3. Lauravent69– http://lavent69.blog

4. Paul Militaru – http://photopaulm.com

5. Pene’ Pasta for the Soul – https://justpene.com

6. Michael Jordahl https://michaeljordahl.wordpress.com/

Thank you again Mr. Holliman for the tag!


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