Today’s Shot 164

Throwback Thursday


 Butterfly with wings open

🦋 Cee’s Flower of the Day – FOTD 🦋

Growth is a forward momentum. Like a caterpillar, we morph into new stages and spaces and spreading our wings, we learn to fly for the first time. Then we learn to fly farther and higher. Growth takes risk. Yet, the caterpillar does not worry about the next phase. Perhaps ignorance is its bliss. For us however, sometimes it is in facing challenges and moving away from our comfort zone that we learn that one of the strengths of growth, is courage.

Can “knowing too much” hinder our growth? Can blind faith be more beneficial?

I accept risk, even when I am afraid.

I am proud of myself when I dare to risk.

Accepting risk as a part of life, empowers me.

First published on the 13 day of July, 2020

Be well my friends!

With Love, ©  Pilgrimage Studio


  1. The Oceanside Animals

    Charlee: “Ooh, a butterfly! Butterflies are so fascinating! Just like moths!”
    Chaplin: “The only bad thing about butterflies is they never get into the house. That’s why we like moths better. They come in sometimes where we can play with them.”

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