Today’s Shot 136

Motion Granted

Gerbera jamesonii

Arrested mid-thought

Now a sentence standing still

Motion to Dismiss

Cee’s Flower of the Day – FOTD

Home Challenge 5-28-20

Pluto Retrograde

It began with a seed which grew up, flourished and then danced before my lens. Looking at the photo later, I saw motion and animation. Whereas before, I thought I’d caught someone standing completely still.

The movement from the still-shot intrigued me. Who is this living being that graced my eyes today? I sat with James for a while in the hopes that he would tell me all he had to say. And then, the weirdest scene came into play.

Now, here was a twist in the plot

which I’d thought

Was about a flower in a pot


James pointed two fingers at the sky and silently impressed one word – Pluto.

This is when I left the garden and walked into the inner courtroom of the past. Enter scene two.

Why must Pluto moonwalk his way to October looking over his shoulder the whole time? It’s a good way to trip, you’d think?

In this court though, you are the judge and jury over the shadows of old memories and circumstance. Without allowing a long look back to truly see – those old court cases may never win their final decree: motion granted, case dismissed. You’re free.

This is what happened between James and I. We took a look back and then had a good cry.

Don’t be afraid to revisit old shadows now and then. Healing can come from surprising directions to mend.

Motion Granted


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